is a Fine Art

Showcase Your District

How It Works

The National Gallery of Redistricting Art™ - a successor to the PennUltimate Run - exhibits artistic interpretations of federal and state electoral districts approved by redistricting bodies after the 2010 U.S. census and in effect until nationwide redistricting next concluded after the 2020 U.S. census in ~2022.

The works of art below were curated by Gallery staff from thousands of submissions and referrals plus a few from our own studios -- subject to approval by the Independent Redistricting Art Commission. The Gallery, Commission, and pjmathison firm disclaim all warranties as to the accuracy, meaning, or feng shui of such information or images.

The Gallery is a proprietary activity of the firm pjmathison, which endorses Fair Districts PA et al.

"Thank you!" to the many supporters and contributors who made this effort possible.







GUIDE: The below works of art are exhibited in alphabetical order by state. Atop each work is the state abbreviation, district number(s), and a title. "U.S." denotes a federal (congressional) district; all others are state legislative districts. Beneath each work is the artist's name and/or source of the work. An asterisk (*) after a title denotes that the district, due to court action, was later re-drawn (a temporary fix). Sorry, no bathrooms.

U.S. AL 1: Swiss Army Knife
Swiss Army Knife
An Independent

U.S. AL 6: Deux (Two) Telescopes
Deux (Two) Telescopes
Anonyme (Anonymous)

U.S. AZ 7: Aye Aye Captain
Aye Aye Captain

U.S. AZ 9: Gerry... T-Shirt(s)
Gerry... T-Shirts
A. Schweigert et al. ($25 on Etsy)

U.S. CA 33: Sharknado

U.S. CO 6: Purple People Eater
Purple People Eater
E. L. Hernandez - Denverite.com

U.S. FL 5: What the Fuh...lorida? *
What the Fuh...lorida?
G. Wexler - WOKV.com

FL Senate 14: Praying Chef *
Praying Chef
Disciple of M. Caputo (Politico) and M.E. Klas (Miami Herald)

U.S. GA 11: Mushroom
E. Burgos - Student

GA House 84: Weed Whacker
Weed Whacker
(An acolyte of) A. Blake - WashingtonPost.com

U.S. IL 4: Earmuffs
Suntimes et al.

U.S. IL 4: Gerry the Dog
Gerry the Dog
E. Kleidon

U.S. IL 4: Ger...aldine the Dog
Geraldine the Dog
L. Nelson

U.S. IL 7: Beavis Diptych
Beavis Diptych

U.S. IL 11: Contorted Cartographer
Contorted Cartographer
(Groupie of) S. Gordon - WPR.org

IL House (all 118): Plowed Prairie
Plowed Prairie

IN House 99: Slight of Hand
Slight of Hand
G. Bowes - GregBowes.pro

U.S. LA 2: Ruptured Skateboard
Ruptured Skateboard
L. McGaughy - The Times-Picayune

U.S. LA 6: Witch Being...CENSORED
Witch Being...CENSORED
J. Stewart - TheDailyShow

U.S. MA 7: Hands Up
(Go-to dance move of the Commissioners')
Hands Up
S. Thibodeau - Student

U.S. MD (all 8): Les Turdés
Les Turdés
A. Monk - andymonkart.com

U.S. MD 1: Light-Emitting Turdé
Light Emitting-Turdé
A. Monk - andymonkart.com

U.S. MD 2: Turdé de Soleil
Turdé de Soleil
A. Monk - andymonkart.com

U.S. MD 3: Amoeba Convention
Amoeba Convention
R. Draper - TheAtlantic.com

U.S. MD 3: Pterodactyl
MarylandReporter.com et al.

U.S. MD 5: Ursula from "The Little Mermaid"
Ursula from THe Little Mermaid
M. Ellentuck and J. Eisenberg - CNSMaryland.org

U.S. MI (all 14): 'House' of Horrors
'House' of Horrors
M. Thompson - Detroit Free Press

U.S. MI 4: 'House' Member
'House' Member
M. Thompson - Detroit Free Press

U.S. MI 13+14: American Dada
American Dada
J. Yang - HourDetroit.com

MI House 76: Nebula
E. Millikin - ericmillikin.com

MN House (all 134): Nordic Quilt
Nordic Quilt

MS Senate 22: Impossibly Long and Difficult Par-5
Impossibly Long and Difficult Par-5
W. Emmerich et al. - NorthsideSun.com

MS Senate 38: Ode to Donald
Ode to Donald
J. Collins - DeepSouthDaily.com

U.S. NC 1: Bent Incumbent *
Bent Incumbent
H. Gindlesberger - gindlesberger.com

U.S. NC 2: Monster Eating Raleigh *
Monster Eating Raleigh
C. Ingraham - WashingtonPost.com

U.S. NC 4: The Hanging Claw *
The Hanging Claw
S. Toeplitz - RollCall.com

U.S. NC 4: Leafy Sea Dragon *
Leafy Sea Dragon
L. Congdon - LisaCongdon.com

U.S. NC 12: Alien Spawn *
Alien Spawn
Buzzfeed.com et al.

NC Senate 21: Hermit Crab
Hermit Crab
Follower of nclobbyreform.org

NC Senate 28+32: SCOTUS Smackdown
SCOTUS Smackdown
J. Green - Triad-City-Beat.com

NC Senate 37: Camelus Dramedarius
Camelus Dramedarius
JohnLocke.org et al.

U.S. NH 1: Evil Old Witch
Evil Old Witch
J. Douglas - Student

U.S. NJ 6: Terrier

U.S. NJ 7: Flapping Rooster
Flapping Rooster
A. Harrison - Student

U.S. NY 10: Microscope
RedistrictingtheNation by Azavea.com

NY Senate 12: Grafted Zoo Animal
Grafted Zoo Animal
J. Tomac - JohnWTomac.com

NY Senate 20: Steam Shovel
Steam Shovel
Editorial Staff - Newsday

NY Senate 22: Untitled
D. Hetteix - RadioFreeBayRidge.org

NY Senate 22: Boundary Manipulation
Boundary Manipulation
E. Soterakis - ElenaSoterakis.com

NY Senate 34: Puzzle Piece
Puzzle Piece
Full puzzle at drawdemocracy.org

NY Senate 43: Canine Caddie
Canine Caddie
O. Sherwood - OwenSherwood.com

NY House 9: Mutant of Manhasset
Mutant of Manhasset

NY House 14: Beast of Bethpage
Beast of Bethpage

NY House 16: Serpent of Syosset
Serpent of Syosset

NY House 46: Flinching Grinch
Flinching Grinch
David - HeyRidge.com

U.S. OH (all 16): Buckeye Blastoma
Buckeye Blastoma
R. Exner - Cleveland.com

U.S. OH 1: Inde-Pendant

U.S. OH 3: Rigged series (1 of 7)
S. Kildall - Kildall.com

U.S. OH 4: Constipated Dragon
Constipated Dragon
Q. Hungeski - TheParagraph.com

U.S. OH 9: Snake on the Lake
Snake on the Lake
Q. Hungeski - TheParagraph.com

U.S. OH 16: Ariel from "The Little Mermaid"
Ariel from The Little Mermaid
M. Smith - Student

OH House 95: Old Soft Shoe
Old Soft Shoe
Q. Hungeski (via Tim) - TheParagraph.com

U.S. OK 1: SmOKestack
O. from Muskogee

U.S. OR 5: 'Ugly Gerry' Font (A to Z)
'Ugly Gerry' Font (A to Z)
U. Gerry - UglyGerry.com

U.S. PA 1: Crocodile Crossing *
Crocodile Crossing
Mr. Dundee

U.S. PA 6+7+16: Trifecta ***
C. Kuniholm - FairDistrictsPA.com and PALWV.org

U.S. PA 6: Dragons Mating *
Dragons Mating
Espied by J.N. DiStefano - Phila. Inquirer

U.S. PA 6: ...Monster of Eastern PA *
...Monster of Eastern PA
TimHartman.com and LancasterOnline

U.S. PA 7: Spooning Pols *
Spooning Pols
Philly.com et al.

U.S. PA 7: Be My Valentine *
Be My Valentine
S. Wilkinson - Phila. Daily News

U.S. PA 7: Dinosaur Impales Woman Voter *
Dinosaur Impales Woman Voter
S. Brodner - SteveBrodner.com

U.S. PA 7: Goofy Kicking Donald *
Goofy Kicking Donald
T. LaBan - BreakThroughVisuals.com

U.S. PA 9: Carpe Patriam! *
Carpe Patriam!
A. Ball - Student

U.S. PA 10: Drooping Gun *
Drooping Gun
Commissioned by C. Brady - Standard-Journal.com

U.S. PA 12: Emaciated Hammerhead Shark *
Emaciated Hammerhead Shark
B. Kauffman - CommonCause.com/PA

U.S. PA 16: Flexing Its Muscles *
Flexing Its Muscles
K. Tibbles et al. - NBC News

PA Senate 18: Stranger Lines
Stranger Lines

PA Sen. 20+45 / House 10+71:
Quartet & Quatrain of Quepidity
Quartet & Quatrain of Quepidity

PA House 10: Carte de Toilette
Carte de Toilette
J. Villere - DrawTheLinesPA.org

PA House 19: Snot Otter
Snot Otter
F. G. Baptista (and Protégé) - NationalGeographic.com

PA House 113: Fish Swallowed a Solo™ Cup
Fish Swallowed a Solo Cup
K. O. Willetts - FairDistrictsPA

PA House 158: I ❤ Re4m
I Heart Re4m
T. Brixius - FairDistrictsPA

PA House 170: Millennium Falcon
Millennium Falcon
Commissioner A. Schmidt - philadelphiavotes.com

PA House 170: Robo-Claw of Somerton
Robo-Claw of Somerton
L. Richlin et al. - FairDistrictsPA, NW Phila.

PA House 191: Clever Crawfish of Cobbs Creek
Clever Crawfish of Cobbs Creek
L. Richlin et al. - FairDistrictsPA, NW Phila.

PA House 197: Horse Built with LEGOs
Horse Built with LEGOs
J. Baer and S. Bykofsky - Philly.com

PA House 199: Double Claw Hammer
Double Claw Hammer
Jack (Of All Trades)

U.S. TN 3: Circus Act
Circus Act
Rebel With a Cause

U.S. TX 2: Homage To Bart Simpson
Homage To Bart Simpson
H. Smith - ReclaimTheAmericanDream.org

U.S. TX 2: Tejas Triptyc
Tejas Triptych
L. Rodriguez - LordyRodriguez.com

U.S. TX 23: Bottle Opener
Bottle Opener
R. Draper - TheAtlantic.com

U.S. TX 27: Glock Pistol
Glock Pistol
R. Draper - TheAtlantic.com

U.S. TX 29: Violaceous Dragon
Violaceous Dragon
A. Kinkead - HoustoniaMag.com

U.S. TX 33+35: Raspberry Drool
Raspberry Drool
Ben & "Gerry" - BenJerry.com

U.S. TX 35: Easter Island Kitsch
Easter Island Kitsch
J. Vogas - BurntOrangeReport.com

U.S. TX 35: Toothless from "How to Train Your Dragon"
Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon
Z. Thompson - Student

TX House 90: Lone Pinwheel
Lone Pinwheel
C. Lindell - MyStatesman.com

U.S. UT 4: Precariously Balanced Rock
Precariously Balanced Rock
E. Vega - Ranker.com

U.S. VA 5: Drinking Water Bird Dippy Lucky Novelty Happy Duck Bobbing Toy Retro Glass
Drinking Water Bird Dippy Lucky Novelty Happy Duck Bobbing Toy Retro Glass
L. Shaw - Student

U.S. VA 7: Triceratops
A. Cain (Muse) - Richmond Times-Dispatch

U.S. WI (all 8): Buttpartisan
P. Hands - Wisconsin State Journal

U.S. WI 2+5: Buttpartisan (Detail)
Buttpartisan (Detail)
P. Hands - Wisconsin State Journal

U.S. WI 3: Absurdity series (1 of 7)
'Absurdity' series (1 of 5)
A. Lewis - AnnLew.is

WI Senate 21+22: Separate & Equal
Separate & Equal
(An apprentice of) S. Gordon - WPR.org

WI House 76: A Bridge Too Far
A Bridge Too Far
M. Jones - UW
K. Knutsen - Wiscontext.org

District X: Title
Your Artwork Here.
Artist / Source